Z Archival
A magazine providing information on pregnancy, birth and childcare.
Moving Image is a series of monographs on film, television and multimedia, critically analysing current practice, history and theory in the Australian film and television industry. Each publication covers a specific topic, and should be relevant to secondary and tertiary students.
For previously unpublished memoirists, 5,000 words full-length memoir. Judging panel to be confirmed. First prize is £5,000.
The Mudgee Guardian is the major source of local community news for the towns of Mudgee, Gulgong, Rylstone, Kandos and Dunedoo. The paper focuses on issues which directly affect local people, and works hard at its emphasis on community news, and community involvement.
Regional paper, interested in local news and features.
Biweekly paper based in Murray Bridge, published on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The region’s main industries are coal mining, electricity generation, dairy, viticulture, beef and lucerne production. The main tourist attractions are the historical townships, the wineries and one of the finest horse racing tracks in NSW.
The paper stresses its community roots by accepting and encouraging contributions from its resident and holiday readers and covers all aspects of the area’s vital issues, its social, community and sporting information.
mybodyandsoul.com.au is all about embodying health, happiness and wellbeing through achievable goals, inspiration and community support. This magazine offers tips, advice and information across all areas of life, including health, fitness, nutrition, beauty, parenting and relationships.
Nambucca Valley Writers Group is a sub-committee of the Bowraville Arts Council. Meets on the fourth Saturday of the month at 2pm at Illawong Village. Membership numbers are limited. If interested, please send an email.
Paid weekly which circulates from Bodalla to Cobargo and includes Bermagui, Tilba, Potato Point, Dalmeny and Kianga.
New Zealand’s leading weekly business newspaper breaks major news stories and generates public policy debate.
PlayWriting Australia is the national peak body for playwriting with a mission to support the development and promotion of great new Australian writing for performance. We work to discover creative artists, improve and enhance playwrights’ skills and boost national networks in order to see more Australian work on stage and in print.
This biennial competition is organised by The Neil Gunn Trust in partnership with High Life Highland. Writers worldwide are invited to choose one of the themes and interpret it in any way they wish – the entries do not have to be set in Scotland or during the time when Neil Gunn himself was writing. Stories up to 2500 words, written in English, Scots or a combination of both.
The New Daily is a trusted source of national news and information and is provided free for all Australians. Our team of top editors and journalists publishes throughout the day across desktop, social, mobile and tablet.
The New England Writers’ Centre is based in Armidale but serves the region by showcasing local authors, providing regular meetings, readings and events, and by bringing authors to the region. Situated in the Neighbourhood Centre (access via Cinders Lane carpark).
newmatilda.com is an independent Australian website of news, analysis and satire. We publish a vibrant mix of views and voices, actively seeking out new information and perspectives to broaden the political debate.
New Philosopher is an independent quarterly magazine devoted to exploring philosophical ideas from past and present thinkers on ways to live a more fulfilling life. Commentary on New Philosopher aims to guide readers into living a happier and freer mode of existence.
New Theatre is one of the oldest continuously producing theatre companies in Australia with a proud history that is intertwined with much of Sydney’s social development and Australian theatre history. From our beginnings as a political workers’ theatre, we have grown to become one of Sydney’s leading independent community theatre companies. Our productions range across drama, comedy, musicals, gay theatre, family shows, political cabaret and specialised education programs. We have revisited classic texts with bold new interpretations and premiered some o…
An independent journal for the aquaculture and seafood industries, covering a broad spectrum of subjects from research to aquaculture production and harvesting.
A group of professional editors and writers who offer authors objective advice and guidance on how to bring their work closer to a publishable standard. Contact members individually for fees and other details. Please contact via email before making any submissions. Please see website for code of practice and guidelines for membership.
The New Zealand Book Council is a dynamic organisation with a wide range of activities and programmes designed to promote books and reading by bringing readers, writers, publishers, editors and schools together.