Editing & Manuscript Assessment

AJC Publishing specialises in editing fiction and creative non-fiction manuscripts. They particularly work with indie authors, guiding them through the steps required to reach their book’s full potential. The editing team is managed by AJ Collins – author, IPEd accredited editor, Associate Degree in Professional Writing and Editing, RMIT. AJ also manages a team over 30 professional beta readers. Both teams cover most genres, including: memoir, sci-fi, spec-fic, romance, historical, crime, thriller, mystery, paranormal, fantasy and literary fiction (adult…

Services Offered
Manuscript assessments, developmental (structural) editing, Line/copyediting, proofreading and beta reading
0418 594 524
Contact Name
AJ Collins
Submission Information
Submit enquiries via Contact form on website: www.ajcollins.com.au/contact • You will then be provided with a quote, plus information on each service and how to make a booking • Word files or PDFs only • Response time 48 hours.
Contact via website for quote. Fees calculated on type of service and word count.

Novelist Kathryn Heyman founded the Australian Writers Mentoring Program in 2010 to offer high-level mentoring to new and emerging writers of fiction and non-fiction. The Program offers guidance to a select group of aspiring writers from Australia and around the world. The program runs over six months, providing five one-on-one meetings with an established, award-winning writer.

Member of Society of Editors Qld. Editing and proofreading of all types of fiction and non-fiction; correction of grammatical and typographical errors; restructuring of content to ensure clarity and conciseness; literature research; ghost writing and rewriting. Qualifications: Advanced Certificate of Editing and Proofreading, Diploma of Teaching (Primary), Graduate Diploma of Special Education, Bachelor of Education.

(07) 32087379
0403 771 183
8 Marlane Court, SPRINGWOOD QLD 4127
Contact Name
Karen Mackay, Editor
Varies with type and complexity of project. Beginning at $40/hr for proofreading. Written record of time spent.

Beta Readers Australia is an affordable editing, proofreading and beta reader matchup service for authors. We have significant experience working with doctoral candidates on final thesis checks, formatting for submission and for journal publication and reference checking. We can also offer audio typing, copy typing and indexing.

0412 981 045
Contact Name
Matt Dale, Managing Editor
Competitive, tailored quotes prepared based on sample chapters. Email [email protected] to discuss your project needs.

CC Publishing is an author services company that provides professional proofreading and other editing services to self-publishing authors and students. CC Publishing also offers publication, marketing and advertising solution tailored to the needs of individual authors.

0411 540527

Degree-qualified senior editor, publisher and former literary agent offers editing, assessment and publishing services for all general fiction, non-fiction and technical works. Assessments assist aspiring writers or those working in an unfamiliar genre to develop skills and improve the publishability of their work. Editing services include structural, substantive and copy editing. Writing and editing services are also offered for submissions, cover blurbs and synopses.

(03) 93541005
Contact Name
Christine Nagel, Proprietor
Editing and publishing rates depend on scope of work and all jobs are individually estimated. See website and/or contact for details.

Looking to take your manuscript to the next level? As a qualified editor, I can provide practical, professional advice about how to develop your work to a publishable standard. My aim is to support you in achieving your vision for your book through encouragement and constructive feedback. I have experience editing both fiction and nonfiction, though I specialise in genre fiction (fantasy, sci-fi, crime, romance etc), children’s/YA fiction, and nonfiction books. My services include structural editing, copy editing and proofreading. Budget options are avai…

Services Offered
Editing,Editing (Line Edit),Editing (Structural),Proofreading / Beta Reading
+61 0406 960 813
Contact Name
Claire Gourlay
Submission Information
Please visit website for submission guidelines and fees.

Edit or die is a freelance editing and writing consultancy servicing business, individuals, writers, government and publishers. Manuscript assessments and reports, copy editing and proofreading, indexing, marketing and submission advice, preparation for printing, design and layout, advertising and copy writing. Specialising in fantasy and science fiction, genre novels and self-published books. The business arm of edit or die specialises in technical, scientific, medical, legal, community and government publications.

(03) 97252216
Contact Name
Sarah Endacott, Accredited Editor
Email for quotes on services.

Editing, proofreading and print/web-management services. Director Dr John Cokley PhD is a full member of IPED and a very experienced magazine and text/online editor.

Services Offered
0413 004 138
Contact Name
Dr John Cokley, Director
Proofreading and mark-up of hard copy or electronic content (for hard copy, author supplies printout and return postage): AU 6 cents per word (minimum 1000 words)

Professional freelance editor since 2012. Member of IPed (Institute of Professional Editors). Speculative fiction a specialty.

0450 383 665
Contact Name
Edwina Harvey, Editor

Turn your writing dreams into a published reality. The Erudite Pen provides qualified editing expertise and independent publishing services for fiction and nonfiction authors. Managing editor Dr Juliette Lachemeier is a professional member of IPEd, CIEP and AMWA. She is also an industry partner of the Australian Publishers Association who has helped authors to produce #1 bestselling titles.

Services Offered
Editing (Line Edit), Editing (Structural), Manuscript Assessment / Appraisals, Proofreading / Beta Reading
Contact Name
Dr Juliette Lachemeier
Submission Information
• Submit manuscripts for appraisal and quote at www.theeruditepen.com/contact
Fees are based on manuscript length and editing complexity

The Expert Editor is an Australian professional editing and proofreading company offering a range of services for academic, book and business writers.

(03) 99997272
42D Melrose Street, PARKDALE VIC 3195

Gail is a senior professionally Accredited Editor (AE), book writing coach, and published author. She also has an MA in Linguistics and is a qualified journalist. Gail is a highly qualified and experienced book editor who ensures a quality outcome for your work. Gail’s book coaching programs include The Book Writing Academy – a 1:1 start-to-finish book writing program, and Writing to Heal: Metamorphosis – a holistic writing program designed to help participants process trauma, grief, or challenges through writing.

Services Offered
Book coaching programs; editing – structural & copyediting, all genres, fiction & nonfiction; manuscript appraisal; proofreading.
0405 695 534
Contact Name
Gail Tagarro, owner

Irina Dunn offers her services as a manuscript assessor and editor as well as an agent to promote writers’ manuscripts to publishers. Have you completed a manuscript? Wondering what to do now? Email the manuscript to Irina Dunn to get a quote for a detailed assessment report. If Irina thinks your manuscript has “legs”, she will approach the relevant Australian publishers on your behalf and get your manuscript past the injunction on many publishers’ websites: “No unsolicited manuscripts except from an agent”.

0403 486 363
PO Box 247 BALMAIN NSW 2041
Contact Name
Irina Dunn
Submission Information
• Initial contact: email

I’m an experienced, university-qualified and IPEd-accredited editor. And editors are now at the centre of (almost) all things publishing! Self-employed since 2010, my previous in-house roles include managing editor, book editor, magazine editor and subeditor. My experience covers many subject areas and types of material. Talk to me about what you’d like to achieve in addition to an excellent editorial outcome. Do you need information about the publishing process, project management or marketing expertise? I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you….

Services Offered
Editing,Editing (Line Edit),Editing (Structural),Manuscript Assessment / Appraisals,Proofreading / Beta Reading,Other
0421 010 537
Contact Name
Jacqui Stone
Submission Information
Initial contact by email.
Project fee by negotiation.

Kathryn is a dual national British/Australian citizen living in Melbourne. She is a qualified professional writer and editor who has been freelance fiction editing since 2014. She works across all genres with new and experienced writers and on a freelance basis for several small publishers. She’s passionate about story and teaching authors the craft of good storytelling.

Services Offered
Developmental editing, copyediting, proofreading, manuscript assessment
Melbourne, Victoria
Contact Name
Kathryn Moore
Submission Information
Submit enquiries to [email protected] • You will receive a reply email to discuss your project and provide a quote • You will receive a reply within 24 hours • Files submitted for editing should be submitted as a Word document.
Tips & General Information
Kathryn is often booked in advance, so please bear this in mind if you require an immediate start date.
Contact Kathryn to receive an editing quote. Fees are calculated by service required, word count, and the level of editing needed.

Laurel Cohn is an editor passionate about communication and the power of narrative to engage, inspire and challenge. She has been working in the industry since the 1980s. Services include editing, manuscript assessment, manuscript development, publishing consultancy, mentoring, design and layout, project management and prepress. Laurel and her small team of professional editors, writers and designers have helped many authors successfully realise their print and online publishing goals.

(02) 66803411
179 Moffatts Road, BILLINUDGEL NSW 2483
Contact Name
Laurel Cohn, Principal Editor
Assessment rates vary according to word length. Contact for a quote.

Senior Editor for IP Pty Ltd, Lauren Daniels has served annually as a literary contest judge since ’05. She holds a BA and MFA in Creative Writing and offers 20+ years international experience in publishing, mentoring, manuscript appraisal and editing for fiction and non-fiction. In Australia and the US, Lauren has delivered writing workshops with universities, corporations and outreach programs. She is the editor for 40+ Australian titles and has a published track record of her own starting in 1987.

Contact Name
Lauren Elise Daniels, Senior Prose Editor, Assessor, Mentor
See website for fees and testimonials.

Formerly the National Book Council Manuscript Assessment Service, Lynk provides expert assessments and copy edits across all genres. Team of professional editors, authors and academics offer emerging and established writers sensitive feedback and guidance.

(02) 66245750
30 Northcott Drive, GOONELLABAH NSW 2480
Contact Name
Sean Doyle

Mackenzie Editing and Secretarial Services can assist with small, medium and large (including ongoing) projects on an hourly, daily or weekly rate. Services include style guides, copy-editing, proofreading and formatting technical and business documents.

0412 188 319
Contact Name
Lynette Crowley
Contact for quote. Estimates available on website.

The Manuscript Appraisal Agency, established in 1996, provides professional manuscript development services for authors, agents and publishing houses. We offer manuscript appraisals, mentorships and editing (copy editing, structural editing and proof reading). We use senior, experienced publishing industry personnel to work with your manuscript. Our work is widely supported by the publishing industry, literary agents and writers associations as a professional service for writers.

Services Offered
Editing (Line Edit),Editing (Structural),Manuscript Assessment / Appraisals
0422 783 313
PO Box 356, KATOOMBA NSW 2780
Contact Name
Kit Carstairs, Director
Appraisals: up to 50,000 words for $535; 50,000 to 80,000 words for $625; 80,000 to 120,000 words for $700. Additional $55 per 50,000 words etc. Children’s picture books $450. See website for more details and testimonials.

Marisa is a Perth based freelance fiction & non-fiction editor and journalist. She has worked for publishers, government departments and organisations and has written for national newspapers, for TV and radio news and for online publications.

See website for more information.

Natasha Gilmour has years of experience acquiring, editing, and representing bestselling fiction and non-fiction in the print and digital markets. Natasha has substantial in-house experience in publishing and has worked with many aspiring authors, guiding them to the stage where their manuscript is taken seriously. Her eye toward manuscript details and overall cohesiveness raises the quality of your writing.

Contact Name
Natasha Gilmour

Over the course of 10 years working in the publishing industry, Barbara Ivusic has amassed an invaluable skillset in publishing, editing, writing and cultivating talent. Barbara started her career by working in well known Australian Literary Agency, Rick Raftos Management. She then established New Author Literary Services to provide clients with manuscript assessments, editorial reports, copy-editing and proofreading. She has helped hundreds of authors polish their manuscripts to get them ready for publication.

Services Offered
Editing,Manuscript Assessment / Appraisals,Proofreading / Beta Reading
Contact Name
Barbara Ivusic, Editor
Free quotes fore diting, proofreading and author mentoring services.

Whether you are a published author or you have just embarked on your first project, all writing can be improved by being closely examined and given constructive feedback from a professional editor. Mistakes can make the difference between a piece looking amateur or polished and professional. Queensland Writers Centre works with several editors at various career stages and will pair you to the best fit for your work. Your editor will assist in ensuring your writing is consistent and correct, and that its content, language, style and layout are both fit-fo…

(07) 3842 9922