Canberra’s Child

Parenting magazine that features informative, challenging and topical feature articles, an extensive calendar of family-focused events for Canberra region, and practical resource guides for parents and anyone involved in the care of children. Interested in parenting experiences and new trends in parenting.

(02) 61625170
Copeland Publishing Pty Ltd
11 issues per year
Tips & General Information
Focus is on stories that explore the emotional and intellectual experiences of parenting. Steers away from ‘top tips’ articles. The more specific and unusual the topic, the more interest in the article. The quality of writing is a deciding factor: looking for material that is well structured, that does not rely on clichÈs and that is grammatically correct. Does not publish stories about a particular product or service. Writers to follow up their submission with the Group Editor if they have not had a response within twelve weeks.