The Yass Tribune covers local news and human interest stories as well as local sporting events and council news.
Yorke Peninsula Writers Group has produced three anthologies and two magazines. Having purchased the equipment to put their publications together themselves, the group are a keen do-it-yourself lot. All editing is done at meetings, which is the perfect learning experience for members to learn more about their craft. New members welcome. Members’ ages range from 19 to 87 years old. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at the Senior Citizens Rooms in Minlaton.
The Young Witness reports news from all sections of the community.
Youngstreet Poets meets on the fourth Friday of the month at the NSW Writer’s Centre, Rozelle. By invitation only.
Offers complete gardening advice, from basic tips to advanced techniques, on all varieties of plants and all types of garden spaces. Also features product reviews and information.