Scripts must be submitted through a producer, production company or agent. In line with our charter, ABC Fiction aims to tell stories that contribute to a sense of national identity, that inform and entertain, and that reflect the nature of the Australian community. With the additional drama funding we have increased our commitment to commissioning drama and narrative comedy, working with the best of new and established Australian writing, directing and producing talent to tell fresh and compelling stories. We want to deliver creatively ambitious fiction…
Formed to unite and promote Australian Bush Balladeers and Bush Ballad music. Provides compilation album releases, balladeers’ concerts, artist showcases, and the annual Bush Balladeer Star Quest, along with the informative quarterly Balladeers Bulletin members’ magazine.
Complete guide to owning, buying and restoring classic cars.
Free publication sent to all Australian dairyfarmers. Interested in on-farm stories and farm case studies.
Features commentary and analysis of the key issues facing the Australian Defence Force, and how consideration of these issues filters down into new business opportunities for commercial enterprises. Focuses on defence policy, defence industry, management issues, high technology manufacturing, aerospace and defence.
Provides informed coverage and in-depth analysis of major defence projects and equipment acquisitions as well as commentary on policy and future directions for the Australian Defence Force.
Refereed medical journal of the Australian Dental Association. Publishes papers on research, clinical developments, clinical opinions and treatments as well as other key issues of relevance to dentistry as practised in Australia.
Official refereed journal of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Includes original research, reviews clinical articles. Concentrates on a different theme each issue.
Australian business, finance and investment news.
Each issue features a different topic. Topics may include articles on merchandising, customer service, business practice, unusual ethnic burial rituals, or personal stories of grief and overcoming grief. Distributed nationally to AFDA members, the largest funeral companies in Australia, other premier funeral companies, suppliers to the industry and other subscribing organisations.
Australia’s premier food and travel magazine. Content includes seasonal recipes, dinner party menus, inside news on the food and wine scene, leading restaurants and hotels, and unusual travel destinations.
Australian Grain is a semi-technical publication, which is a bridge between the research community and farmers.
A non-profit organisation for Australian and New Zealand writers of horror. Brings together professional and amateur writers, while improving the general understanding of what horror is in literature and exposing the genre to a wider audience. Offers support and mentoring programs, critiquingwriting and publication articles, the latest news, state of the market reports (including agents, magazines and publishing houses), magazine subscription discounts, information about competitions, anthologies and annual conferences.
Hunting, shooting, outdoor recreations, environmentalism and conservation.
Founded in 1992, the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA) is the trade body for the digital content, services and applications industry in Australia.
Magazine that provides total coverage of local and international bodybuilding, with training and nutritional features, celebrity profiles, equipment and product reviews, and the latest scientific research.
The Australian ISSN Agency is situated in the National Library of Australia and has sole responsibility for assigning ISSNs (International Standard Serial Numbers) to serial titles published in Australia. Details of all serial titles registered by the Library are sent to the ISSN International Centre in Paris for inclusion in the International ISSN database. Please call between 10am-12pm and 2-4pm.
Professional journal focusing on current theory, practice and policy relating to the career and work education field. Interested in human resources and career counselling.
Official journal of Emergency Management Australia. Coverage includes emergency management, engineering, sociology, psychology, theoretical aspects and case studies, lessons and guides for planning, preparations, mitigation and prevention.
Australian Meat News features sections on news, technology and products, retailing, export and domestic processing, training, people, research, small goods and other industry issues.
Australian Natural Health is the most comprehensive magazine for those wanting to live a natural and healthy lifestyle.
Official journal of Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. Includes pharmacy education and practice features, research papers, health and pharmacy news and information about PSA activities.
Has a strong, visual, ‘hands-on’ style and a cutting-edge approach to new technology. Interested in articles that explain various photographic techniques in detail.
The Australian Press Council Incorporated is the self-regulatory body of the print media. It was established in 1976 with two main aims: to help preserve the traditional freedom of the press within Australia and to ensure that the free press acts responsibly and ethically.
The Australian Publishers Association (APA) is the industry body for Australian book, journal and electronic publishers. It protects and promotes the interests of Australian publishers on issues like defamation, copyright, competition policy and taxation, and initiates projects that benefit the wider industry. Membership is open to any person or company engaged in publishing in Australia. Also administers APA Book Design Awards; Educational Publishing and Book Industry Awards.