Crime Market


Margaret River Press is an indepdendent, innovative Western Australian publisher. Publishes high-end literary fiction, crime, the best short stories currently being written in Australia and beautifully designed leisure and lifestyle titles.

(08) 9757 6009
0409 549 311
Tips & General Information
Submissions should be presented in 12 point font, with double line spacing, a header with the title, name of author and footer with page numbers. Left and right hand margins at 3.5 cm. Please ensure that titles, headings and textual breaks are clearly marked.

Simon & Schuster Australia is part of the CBS Corporation and is a major force in today’s publishing industry, dedicated to bringing an extensive range of books, in all formats, into the hands of readers. Simon & Schuster Australia publishes and distributes a variety of books in Australia and New Zealand across a range of genres including fiction, non-fiction and children’s books.

(02) 99836600
Tips & General Information
Not currently accepting unsolicited material.

The Bath Novel Award is an annual £2,000 prize for  prize for unpublished and self-published or independently published novelists in any genre written for adult or young adult (13+) readers. The award is open to writers of any nationality, genre and perspective and has a strong track record in helping emerging writers to further their writing careers. 2019 dates to be confirmed.

Betty Trask left a bequest to the Society of Authors in 1983 to fund prizes for first novels written by authors under the age of 35 in a traditional or romantic, but not experimental, style.

Society of Authors

The prize was created to discover and publish new writing talent. The winner of the prize is offered a publishing contract with Impress books with the aim of publishing the book in the year following the award. The Impress team also looks at all entries, whether on the shortlist or not, with a view to publication by Impress Books. 2019 dates to be confirmed

Knightville Poetry Contest: Three poems per entry. Up to 150 lines per poem. Machigonne Fiction Contest: Submit up to 5000 words of prose, anything from flash to long stories. Novel excerpts are welcome, as long as the manuscript functions as a stand-alone story. Previously unpublished work only. International submissions welcome.

The New Guard Literary Review

The Young Australian Christian Writer Award is given annually for the best unpublished manuscript by an Australian citizen under 30 years of age. With the Young Australian Christian Writer Award Sparklit discovers and nurtures writers of the future.


The Text Publishing Company has interests across the spectrum of quality fiction and non-fiction. The company publishes approximately 100 titles a year into a growing list. Specialisation: Trade publisher of general fiction and non-fiction. Fiction includes both literary and quality commercial fiction.

The Tom Howard and Margaret Reid poetry contests are open to all poems written in English.  There are no restrictions on age or country. TOM HOWARD PRIZE: $1,500 for a poem in any style or genre MARGARET REID PRIZE: $1,500 for a poem that rhymes or has a traditional style Length limit: 250 lines per poem.


Upstart Press publishes a wide variety of New Zealand books, including fiction, non-fiction, and children’s. Our sports titles are published under the new imprint of Mower. Since its foundation, Upstart Press has published 50 books and many eBooks, with more than 20 new titles being added each year.