Editing Services
Editing, proofreading and print/web-management services. Director Dr John Cokley PhD is a full member of IPED and a very experienced magazine and text/online editor.
Mackenzie Editing and Secretarial Services can assist with small, medium and large (including ongoing) projects on an hourly, daily or weekly rate. Services include style guides, copy-editing, proofreading and formatting technical and business documents.
Marisa is a Perth based freelance fiction & non-fiction editor and journalist. She has worked for publishers, government departments and organisations and has written for national newspapers, for TV and radio news and for online publications.
Natasha Gilmour has years of experience acquiring, editing, and representing bestselling fiction and non-fiction in the print and digital markets. Natasha has substantial in-house experience in publishing and has worked with many aspiring authors, guiding them to the stage where their manuscript is taken seriously. Her eye toward manuscript details and overall cohesiveness raises the quality of your writing.
Need a manuscript assessment, a copy edit, or a proofread? Leviathan Editing ensures constructive, sensitive treatment of your manuscript. Petra is an accredited editor with the Institute of Professional Editors and a manuscript assessor with Writers Victoria, covering all genres, including fiction, non-fiction and educational.