For Young Writers

Betty Trask left a bequest to the Society of Authors in 1983 to fund prizes for first novels written by authors under the age of 35 in a traditional or romantic, but not experimental, style.

Society of Authors

Science magazine for children and early teens. Science news, feature stories, hands-on activities, comics and competitions. 8 issues a year.

Six issues per year

The Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award is an opportunity for any young poet aged 11-17 to accelerate their writing career. Poems can be of any length and on any subject, but must be original and unpublished.

The Somerset National Novella Writing Competition is offered by Somerset College and is part of its Celebration of Literature Festival. Competition open to all Australian secondary students. Entrants must be under 19 years of age at close of entries. Required word length is 8,000 to 20,000 words.

Somerset Storyfest

The Young Australian Christian Writer Award is given annually for the best unpublished manuscript by an Australian citizen under 30 years of age. With the Young Australian Christian Writer Award Sparklit discovers and nurtures writers of the future.

The University of New South Wales’flagship magazine, UNSW Magazine, is published quarterly. It reports on issues affecting the tertiary education sector and the latest developments in UNSW’s research and teaching.

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