New South Wales
The Wingham Chronicle has been published since 1880 and is regarded as the town’s bible. If something happens in the town or surrounding district – it’s in the Chronicle. The paper identifies strongly with its community and gets behind annual town promotions such as Beef Week and retail sale days.
The WK Hancock Prize gives recognition and encouragement to an Australian scholar who has recently published a first book in any field of history. Awarded for a first book published in the two years preceding the year of the award. Author must be normally resident in Australia.
The Wollondilly Advertiser reaches more than 11,000 homes in the Wollondilly Shire and provides residents with accurate coverage of issues affecting their community.
Wollondilly FAW is a regional branch of the NSW FAW and meets on the second Sunday of every month. The group is very active, holding an annual literary competition and an annual poets picnic at Wirrimbirra Sanctuary.
One of Australia’s premier weekly women’s magazines interested in short stories, gossip, TV news, general interest stories, cooking, fashion, beauty, health and astrology.
The Women Writers Network meets to workshop and edit works in progress from all genres. Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 1pm at the NSW Writers’ Centre. Must be a NSWWC member to attend.
Women’s interest magazine encouraging a healthy, active lifestyle. Themes include fitness, beauty, body image, food and nutrition, sex and relationships, and more.
The Women’s Library focuses on writing by and about women. The library houses over 25,000 items. There is a comprehensive collection of lesbian literature and non-fiction focusing on issues and areas of interest to women. The library seeks to represent the diversity of Australian women’s writing. The Women’s Library hosts community meetings, groups and activities. Open Tuesday to Thursday 11am-3pm and Saturday and Sunday 12-4pm. There is also a $2 bookshop.
Specialisation: Business books on computing and management subjects, plus personal development in the world of work. Distribution specialties also include business, travel, science, history, sport and leisure.
A guide to antique dealers and art galleries. Features informative articles on antiques, collectables and exhibitions. Three titles are available free to the public through the 600 contributing antique shops, antique centres and art galleries as well as select galleries.
Entries are now open for the Write Around the Murray short story competition. The competition is open to writers from all over Australia who can enter in two categories: Open Short Story (3,000 words) or the Nano Story (50 words) using images from the Albury Art Gallery as inspiration.
A non-profit group dedicated to the development of creative writing in all its forms and promoting local writers. Meetings are held monthly to critique work of members. Sometimes there is a guest speaker or workshop. Other writing-related events are held. Annual literary competitions are held and publication encouraged. Meetings held every fourth Saturday of the month, 1:30-4:30pm at Wyong Senior Citizens Centre in the grounds of Wyong Old Primary School.
The Yass Tribune covers local news and human interest stories as well as local sporting events and council news.
The Young Witness reports news from all sections of the community.
Youngstreet Poets meets on the fourth Friday of the month at the NSW Writer’s Centre, Rozelle. By invitation only.
Offers complete gardening advice, from basic tips to advanced techniques, on all varieties of plants and all types of garden spaces. Also features product reviews and information.