Playwriting Resources

This biennial forum defines a new way to talk about theatre in Australia. It is a conversation with all corners of the sector – writers, makers, designers and elders – to ensure that Australian theatre acknowledges our past in looking to the future. Through a broad range of keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops and activities, be prepared to share some radical ideas about how theatre can make a difference.

Set up and managed by the Australian Script Centre, in collaboration with PlayWriting Australia, Currency Press and Playlab, have designed this site to make it easy for you to browse our comprehensive catalogue and find the ideal Australian play for your next production.

Varuna, the National Writers House invites writers living in New South Wales and the greater Sydney area to apply for a two-week residency at this historic home in the Blue Mountains. Residency dates for 2017 are 11-24 September. For full details of the program and to apply, see the website.

Varuna – The Writers’ House