queensland writers centre

Adaptable seeks material for film or television adaptation. Open to writers across Australia and New Zealand, the contest accepts any genre, fiction or non-fiction, published or unpublished. Queensland Writers Centre also identifes several early career unpublished/emerging writers to pitch their work to screen creatives, with these writers receiving mentorship and advice prior to the pitching sessions.

(07) 3842 9922
Queensland Writers Centre
Every year

Have a daunting project but no support? Queensland Writers Centre’s Fishbowl Residency provides the writing space, mentorship and assistance for one lucky writer to complete a draft of their work. Over this ten-week residency, the successful resident works from our offices and shares their progress with our members. Applications are accepted all year round and are open only to current, financial members of Queensland Writers Centre.

(07) 3842 9922
Queensland Writers Centre

Once a year, one writer is selected for the Flinthart Residency, getting the chance to spend 10 weeks working full-time on their next project at a dedicated space in the Queensland Writers Centre offices in the State Library of Queensland. They will be awarded a stipend and 15-hour mentorship with an industry professional to support them during their residency.

(07) 3842 9922
Queensland Writers Centre
Every year

Make your work a published bestseller by building your author brand, marketing and business strategy. In this program, get your book ahead in the literary market by building your author brand, digital marketing and business strategy. Walk away with marketing content, a concept website and all the publishing resources needed to make your book a published bestseller. This intensive course is an absolute must for any author with an unpublished manuscript.

(07) 3842 9922
Queensland Writers Centre
Every year

Whether you are a published author or you have just embarked on your first project, all writing can be improved by being closely examined and given constructive feedback from a professional editor. Mistakes can make the difference between a piece looking amateur or polished and professional. Queensland Writers Centre works with several editors at various career stages and will pair you to the best fit for your work. Your editor will assist in ensuring your writing is consistent and correct, and that its content, language, style and layout are both fit-fo…

(07) 3842 9922

Manuscript assessments give writers access to the objective opinions and analytical skills of literary professionals. We’ll pair your work with the best fit from our broad-ranging list of assessors to ensure you receive constructive, expert criticism from someone with expertise in your area. They’ll look at the overall structure, content and style of your work to give you a ‘big picture’ overview of its strengths and weaknesses, potential for improvements, and further suggestions. You may request an assessment focusing on a few specific areas, or simply…

(07) 3842 9922

Get yourself a one-on-one consult with a team member at Queensland Writers Centre and leave this thorough thirty-minute consultation with three solid recommendations tailored to your specific project to move your writing forward. Our writing consults are designed for writers at any stage, and this isn’t a critique – it’s a time for a judgement-free fresh perspective.

(07) 3842 9922

Right Left Write is run in conjunction with Queensland Writers Centre’s weekly newsletter, Pen & Pixel. Each month we announce a prompt word or theme in Pen & Pixel, then it’s over to you to create a short story of up to 500 words and right, left, write. Members can enter for free and non-members can enter for a $5 fee. One entry per person per month.

(07) 3842 9922
Queensland Writers Centre
Every month

Scriptable is Queensland Writers Centre’s program for emerging script or screen writers, whether just out of university/film school, still completing a degree, or just looking to enter the industry. Giving writers the opportunity to submit their manuscript, be assessed, participate in a workshop, and potentially be matched with an industry mentor, the idea is to form longer standing relationships with these industry mentors that reach far into the future.

(07) 3842 9922
Queensland Writers Centre
Every year

Mentorships are all about you and what you need to realise your project. Get one-on-one advice from a professional writer on writing goals, industry advice, craft, development, critique, or ongoing motivation in this longer form, in-depth review of your project.

(07) 3842 9922

Need clear, concrete suggestions for your project to take it to the next level? Have an experienced writer provide you with honest and supportive feedback on a sample of your work. Twenty pages and ninety minutes later, you’ll have gained personalised and professional advice to get you moving in the right direction. The Writer’s Surgery program connects you with experienced industry professionals for advice and feedback on your project.

(07) 3842 9922